Some courses may allow guest access

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This website hosts contents in Urdu language primarily, those who can listen and understand spoken Urdu can benefit from the courses, course contents are supplemented by transcripts in English texts for those who can not read Urdu well. Registration for Batch 11 is now Closed, we  will announce new batch dates through websites and social media channels.
Note: Fill only once, after filling registration form, Admin will approve within a day if emails are not recieved. Email confirmation will be sent to provided email with a link to self activate account. After you submit a new account form please check your inbox or in some cases to Spam/Junk mail, you need to click the authenticate link for being able to access your dashboard.  Use small letters in enlgish for username, and keep login detials saved. If in case you face any issue you may contact Study Circle Admin  | For new batch 11 contact through Whatsapp Community Admin

Whatsapp  Admin (only for batch 11) will update you   -----------------------------------------------

Join Whatsapp Channel  registration(only for batch 11)